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The company held the mobilization meeting of


On the afternoon of April 3, the company held a mobilization meeting for the "year of management promotion" in the conference room on the third floor. The meeting was presided over by Mr. Zhu Xingming, deputy manager of the company, senior technical (business) supervisor, economic assistant, deputy general manager, heads of various departments and main responsible persons of some production and operation units attended the meeting.

Zhu Xingming, deputy manager of the company, deeply interpreted the general idea, theme, objectives, methods, main contents, steps and guarantee measures of the "year of management improvement".

Novel coronavirus pneumonia, Hu Yanhua, the company's manager, called on all units and departments to carry out the "management promotion year" campaign around the three levels of management level, management efficiency and management efficiency. At the same time, it puts forward three requirements: first, it is necessary to improve the understanding of management work, adapt to the changes of the company's development, consolidate management advantages and fill in management weaknesses; second, it is necessary to carefully formulate special improvement plans, implement special improvement measures, open up sources and reduce expenditure, reduce costs and increase efficiency by combining with respective post responsibilities and business scope, and implement special improvement measures to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, reduce costs and increase efficiency; third, it is necessary to continue learning and benchmarking Improve the management level and promote the high quality development of the company.

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